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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Novella Steuber

Wonderful, good material and also good design. Also, I did not expect it to come in a box with its own design and everything. Very good the truth, a good seller and a good product.

Noah Oberbrunner

Certainly like most of the other customers of the FR kit, I quickly realized that it was complicated to find ISO FR keycaps.
I fell back on this article, despite the lack of choice. Let's say I thought it wasn't too bad, but if I used ANSI US it clearly wouldn't have been my first choice.
Well when the box opens, surprise, I like the colors more than in the photos. Once the keys are mounted on my keyboard, I find myself satisfied with the purchase, it was unexpected!

There are quite a few "extra" keys to fit all keyboard configurations.

If I had to blame, it would be to say that I would have liked to have had a choice on the color of the key entered. Or that I would have liked the writing like "num lock" to let the light of the RGB lighting pass. But it's really to shit, I'm satisfied.

Norma Padberg

Received dsa keycaps instead of the described Cherry profile keycaps.
Contacted the seller to resolve the issue, was promised another set of Cherry keycaps but the communication has been pretty bad. Seller said he will send me the tracking code for the Cherry set, but it's been 5 days since and I still haven't received any update. I sent two follow up messages but seller has pretty much ignored my messages. I don't think I will buy again from this seller.

The quality of the DSA keycaps are also not that great, definitely not worth 37 euros. The 7u spacebar holes are misaligned, would not fit on 7u TX AP stabs nor Staebies stabs

Erling McKenzie

the quality is good and packaging alright but there was a missing "M" key cap unfortunately and it's really annoying.

Shirley Gleason

Very good quality of azerty FR caps

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Cosa sono i keycaps ISO e cosa significa ISO-DE?

I keycap ISO si riferiscono a set di keycap progettati secondo il layout delle tastiere dell'Organizzazione Internazionale per la Standardizzazione, che include caratteristiche specifiche come la forma del tasto "Invio" e il posizionamento di alcuni simboli di punteggiatura.

Le opzioni linguistiche, come ISO-DE per il tedesco e ISO-FR per il francese, indicano l'inclusione di caratteri specifici per la lingua (ad esempio, ä, ö, ü, ß per il tedesco ed é, à, ç, è per il francese) adattati alle esigenze di digitazione di chi parla quella lingua. Questo design consente di soddisfare le esigenze di alfabeto e punteggiatura delle diverse lingue nell'ambito del layout standardizzato ISO.

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